How does one conclude a big trip?

With the final route: I got out of Green River at 4:30am Saturday. I took I-70 to six, and then came up 93, cutting across Cherryvale to home. The landscape was lush throughout, the Colorado River high all the way through. The U Haul hums along, sure enough, although it does guzzle the gas.

With a celebration of family: There was much jumping, barking, meowing, and hugging when I got home.  Richelle and I have discovered a U Haul is pretty useful for undone errands. We ended the night at Spider-Man: Far From Home, an appropriately ironic title.  

With the aftermath: Getting the Harley out of the U Haul was no mean feat. A lot of bikes have been dropped in the backs of trailers. I was working up quite a sweat, until two stout members of the tribe  helped me back her down the ramp. Best guess is that a sensor on the crank shaft blew in the heat of Virgin River Canyon. We shall see by the weekend, but I doubt she would have limped home.

With Reflections: Although my fine steed didn’t complete the trip under her own power, I tell you here and now that the heat in Virgin River Canyon was like nothing I have ridden through. I can’t really blame her for calling it quits. The fact is, although we both wanted to finish strong, all said and done, neither of us complained during the final 600 miles in the U Haul.

With thanks: Thank you all for riding along with me. It meant a lot that you read, commented, and sent me texts and email during this trip. Because of you, I reflected on my experience as it happened, and never once felt alone.

I like this blog business.  I might well keep it going.

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  1. I hope you do keep it going—I’ve loved every minute, always excited to see what would come up next in my in box. Welcome home!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Welcome home! Today, with photos of breakfast, animals, and house, along with Richelle, looks like a much better well earned respite than the grudging cup o’ noodles along the way. Really enjoyed the blog!

    Liked by 1 person

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